Chat More Options

More options of the chat module lets you perform advanced actions to the chat. For instance, you can change Conversation Status; Message Read Status; assign Bot and more.

You can access more options in the top right corner of the module.

Conversation Status

Only for Facebook and WhatsApp Official API Channels.

Through Conversation Status, you can set the chat to Open, Resolved, Closed, and Waiting For Customer or Agent Response.

To access the options, click on the Conversation Status Icon button.

Then, in the Conversation Status Popup, first, select Status, then add a comment, and click Save to apply changes.

Enable/Disable Bot

Only for WhatsApp Official API Channels

Then click the Confirm button.

Read Status

  • Mark as Unread.

  • Or Mark as Read.

Assign to Agent

And you'd see your name next to the status. If you want to assign it to a team member, click on the name and then select a team member.

Or, click on the Menu option, and select Assign Contact.

Then, select a Team Member and click Assign.

Pin Contact

Likewise, you can unpin the contact.

Add to Drip Campaign

Then select Add to Drip Campaign from the available options.

A modal will appear, in that select the campaign to which you want to assign that particular contact.

Once selected, click Add.

Sync Messages

Only for Maytapi Unofficial WhatsApp API.

Then, click Yes to confirm.

Create Follow Up

A New Event modal will open, here, set event Title, Occurrence (All Day or not), Start and End Date and Time, Description, and Team Member.

Once defined all the values, click Add. You can view the created follow-up in the Follow Up module.

Reply to/Forward a Message

Only for Maytapi WhatsApp Unofficial API

You can also forward and reply to a message while conversing with your contact in RUM Work Chat.

Go to the message and click on the ˅ Option Icon button.

Then, either select: Reply or Foward.

Last updated