
An FAQ Bot allows you to automate customer conversations using pre-defined questions and answers. The FAQ Bot presents a set of questions to the client or prospect, and once they select a particular, the bot sends the associate response. This allows you to offer customer support 24x7, capture leads, raise tickets, share order details, etc.

To access FAQ Bot, go to Settings → then click on FAQ Bot.

Create an FAQ

To add an FAQ for your FAQ Bot, click on Create FAQ button.

This will bring the FAQs modal with fields to enter your Question and Answer. Simply input the question with an answer, and once added, click Save.

Upload FAQs

To upload FAQs for your FAQ Bot, click the Import button.

Then, click Upload to locate the file on your system.

If you don't know how should the data be organised, you can download the sample file by clicking the Download Sample File link.

After locating the file, upload it. Once uploaded, click Import. And this will bring all your FAQs to the RUM Work FAQ Bot's page.

Edit an FAQ

To edit an FAQ for the FAQ Bot, go to Settings FAQ Bot → then click the Edit icon.

This will bring the Update FAQs modal. Here, you can make the changes as required to the selected FAQ. Once edited, click Update.

Delete an FAQ

On the FAQ Bot page, click the Trash icon to delete a particular FAQ.

Then click Confirm to finalise deleting.

Last updated