Contact Info

The Contact Info section of the Chat module lets you save contact's basic details; create a ticket and edit the contact.

To access the Contact Info, click on the Contact's name.

Save Basic Details

The Basic Details tab of the Contact Info, allows you to set contact's Full Name, Tags, and Remarks.

After adding the details, click the Save button to apply changes.

Create Ticket

If you want to create a Ticket using chat, click on the Ticket tab in the Contact Info.

You'd see previously created tickets, if any. To create a new one, click Create New Ticket.

A popup will come to create the ticket. Enter the details as needed and once done, click Create.


Edit Contact

The Edit Contact popup will appear. Here, you can edit the contact details such as Phone Number, Tags, Full Name, Email, Time zone, Custom Fields and more.

Once edit the contact, click Save.

Last updated